Gift Box/Sampler of 6 Seasonings$36.00PriceCustomize a gift box by selecting 6 of our 9 Gourmet Seasonings in a 4oz. heavywall clear plastic jar with screw top lid. Buy it for yourself or I can put a personalized card inside, tape it up, and mail it to your clients or a loved one. 4 oz. Select First SeasoningSelectSelect Second SeasoningSelectSelect Third SeasoningSelectSelect Fourth SeasoningSelectSelect Fifth SeasoningSelectSelect Sixth SeasoningSelectQuantity*Add to Cart
Gift Box/Sampler of 6 Seasonings$36.00PriceCustomize a gift box by selecting 6 of our 9 Gourmet Seasonings in a 4oz. heavywall clear plastic jar with screw top lid. Buy it for yourself or I can put a personalized card inside, tape it up, and mail it to your clients or a loved one. 4 oz. Select First SeasoningSelectSelect Second SeasoningSelectSelect Third SeasoningSelectSelect Fourth SeasoningSelectSelect Fifth SeasoningSelectSelect Sixth SeasoningSelectQuantity*Add to Cart